Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker



We finally got the call from the nurse this afternoon. My estrogen level is 4577, so not much of an increase from yesterday. The nurse said that I'm all set for egg retrieval surgery!! I will take the 1st Lupron trigger shot tonight and then another one 12 hours later. Tonight will be my last night of taking the Dexamethasone pill. I will go in tomorrow morning for blood work only. No more ultrasounds. Woo-hoo! The egg retrieval surgery is scheduled for Monday morning. I wonder how many eggs the doctor will get this time around.

It seems like we've lived in this hotel room forever! I'm starting to get cabin fever. I can't wait to get back home to my comfy bed. There's is just so much of luxury I can take.

We were riding around Lone Tree this morning after my ultrasound appointment. We rode with the windows down, as it was 70 degrees and windy. Jerry said that it's going to majorly suck to go back to Florida weather, and I agree. The day after we get back home, Jerry's going to have to mow the lawn before the neighbors pitch a fit. He's not looking forward to sweating again.

Tonight, we're going to Elway's as a celebration of my getting the trigger shot! http://www.elways.com/Downtown/Default.asp

Gosh, has this been a long ride so far (with many ups and downs in a given day)! Thank you all who've commented, emailed, and called me to lend your support. It really means a lot to me. God bless you all.

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